Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
Clipper v2.27
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Clipper v2.27
If you are upgrading from v2.24 then please read 'New features' first.
1 What is Clipper?
2 Installation
2.1 Minimum specs
3 The interface
3.1 Control panel
3.1.1 Title bar
3.1.2 Icon/bob bank gadgets
3.1.3 File gadgets
3.1.4 IFF gadgets
3.1.5 Autoclip gadgets
3.1.6 Hotspot gadgets
3.1.7 Tool gadgets
3.1.8 Messages and requesters
3.2 ILBM display
3.3 Icon/bob display
3.4 Selecting points and areas
4 Bugs
5 New features
6 About the author
7 Legal stuff
1 What is Clipper?
Clipper is a program designed to make it easier for AMOS programmers to
create icons and bobs. It allows you to 'clip' them from an ILBM screen
and also provides some useful facilities for managing icon/bob banks.
I know AMOS comes with an icon/bob editor but I find it's better to
create icons/bobs in a paint package such as DPaint and then clip them
out afterwards. Since I continually alter image banks during game
development I needed a utility to speed up the clipping process and so
Clipper was born!
2 Installation
Clipper is provided as a compiled program to be used within the AMOS
environment. To install it simply copy the Clipper program and docs to
your hard disk or AMOS system disk.
2.1 Minimum specs
Clipper was written on an A1200 with a 4 Meg Hawk memory card.
It runs OK on a standard A500 but it will slow down when displaying the
magnified view while clipping, etc.
3 The interface
Clipper is composed of three parts;
an intuition style control panel,
an IFF screen display and
an icon/bob display.
3.1 Control panel
The control panel gadgets are arranged into groups;
Title bar,
Icon/bob bank gadgets,
File gadgets,
IFF gadgets,
Autoclip gadgets,
Hotspot gadgets and
Tool gadgets.
3.1.1 Title bar
Hotkeys are shown in [] if available.
Drag bar - This lets you drag the control panel. It also shows the total
number of icons/bobs in the selected bank, the selected
icon/bob's number, size and colour depth and the amount of
free chip memory. Messages and requests are also displayed in
the title bar.
[I] Info - Displays copyright information.
[Q] Quit - Quits Clipper. You will be asked to confirm that you really
want to quit.
3.1.2 Icon/bob bank gadgets
Hotkeys are shown in [] if available.
[down] |< - Moves to the first icon/bob in the current bank.
[left] << - Move back through the current bank. Left click to move 1,
right click to move 10.
## - This string gadget shows the number of the currently selected
[right] >> - Move forward through the current bank. Left click to move 1,
right click to move 10.
[up] >| - Moves to the last icon/bob in the current bank.
[I] Ins - Inserts a blank space between the current and previous
[D] Del - Deletes the current icon/bob.
3.1.3 File gadgets
Hotkeys are shown in [] if available.
[L] Load - Loads an icon or bob bank into memory. Note that it
automatically loads the file into the correct bank.
[S] Save - Saves the currently selected bank.
[M] Merge - Allows you to append a bank with a bank saved to disk. Note
that it will be appended to the same bank it was saved from.
[E] Erase - Erases the currently selected bank. You will be asked to
confirm this before it is erased.
[W] Swap - Swaps between the icon and bob banks.
3.1.4 IFF gadgets
Hotkeys are shown in [] if available.
[F] Load IFF - Loads an IFF screen. Legal screen modes are;
Pal lowres 320x256
lowres interlaced 320x512
hires 640x256
hires interlaced 640x512
Ntsc lowres 320x200
lowres interlaced 320x400
hires 640x200
hires interlaced 640x400
[O] Show - Hides the control panel and icon/bob display so the current
screen can be viewed. Press either mouse button to continue.
3.1.5 Autoclip gadgets
Hotkeys are shown in [] if available.
[T] Start - This sets where autoclip starts. Clicking on this gadget allows
you to select the start by hand, alternatively it can be set
using the string gadgets.
[Z] Size - This sets the size of the blocks to be cut.
[G] Gap - This sets the size of any space that may be between the blocks.
[B] Blocks - This sets the number of blocks to be cut. To specify this
by hand select the top left block and then the bottom right
block of the grid of blocks to be cut. Note that the Size and
Gap must be set first.
3.1.6 Hotspot gadgets
Hotkeys are shown in [] if available.
[H] Hotspot - This sets the hotspot of the currently selected bob.
The hotspot gadgets on the third row set the default hotspot position
for newly created bobs...
Cross hair - This makes the values of the hotspot gadget the default
hotspot position for new bobs.
Presets - Clicking on one of these gadgets will make that position
the default hotspot position for new bobs. Right clicking
on one of these gadgets will also set the currently
selected bob's hotspot to the specified position.
3.1.7 Tool gadgets
Hotkeys are shown in [] if available.
Sound - Toggles sound effects. It is off by default.
[1] Cut - Clip an icon/bob by hand.
[2] Autoclip - Automates clipping icons/bobs. The autocut gadgets must
be setup as desired first. The new icons/bobs will be
placed starting at the currently selected icon/bob. If
autocutting will overwrite icons/bobs currently in the bank
you will be asked if you wish to continue.
[3] Point - Lets the user clip an icon/bob by clicking on it. For this
to work the icon/bob must be surrounded by colour 0.
[4] Palette - Loads the screen's palette into the currently selected bank.
This is useful if you change the colours used in a screen
but don't want to recut the icons/bobs you have originally
clipped from it.
[5] Horiz flip - Flip the currently selected icon/bob along its horizontal
[6] Vert flip - Flip the currently selected icon/bob along its vertical
[7] Compress - Attempts to remove any blank space around the currently
selected icon/bob.
3.1.8 Messages and requesters
Sometimes Clipper will need to inform you that an operation has failed or
ask you to confirm your choice, such as when you quit. These messages
will be displayed in the title bar of the control panel. If a reply is
needed you will be prompted to press either the left or right mouse
button depending on the options presented.
3.2 ILBM display
The ILBM display shows the currently loaded screen from which icons/bobs
are to be clipped.
3.3 Icon/bob display
The icon/bob display shows the currently selected icon/bob if there is
one. If the display shows a bob it will indicate the position of its
hotspot with a flashing pixel.
3.4 Selecting points and areas
When you clip an icon/bob or set a bob's hotspot, etc you will need to
define an area or point in the ILBM display or icon/bob display. When
this is needed the control panel will disappear and a cross hair will be
shown as well as a magnified view of the area around it. The cross hair
can be positioned with the mouse or 'nudged' using the cursor keys. The
zoomed view can be toggled on/off with the spacebar.
To select a point place the cross hair over the desired point and left
click the mouse or press the return key.
To define an area select one of its corners and then select the
opposite corner.
The operation can be cancelled at any time by clicking the right mouse
4 Bugs
* When clipping from hires and/or laced screens the crosshair will move
in lowres coords. This is caused by a bug in the way AMOS reads mouse
5 New features
New features added in Clipper v2.27;
* Hotkeys for most buttons. Note: for buttons which respond differently
to left and right mouse clicks, pressing a hotkey simulates a left click.
* The zoomed view shown when clipping, setting a hotspot, etc can now be
toggled on/off with the spacebar.
* Tabbing and shift tabbing between string gadgets is now supported.
* A nice colour change 8-).
6 About the author
I'm the CD Editor for MacFormat magazine (don't worry I still like Amigas!)
and I've been dabbling in computer programming ever since I got my first
8-bit machine, an Amstrad CPC 464.
Clipper was the first Amiga program I finished, or at least got to a stage
where it's safe for people to use (no major bugs!) I've already
used it to create several games which I will be releasing soon. Because I've
recently switched to programming in AmigaE these will be my last AMOS
programs. I hope Clipper will be useful to all you AMOS developers out there.
- Brian Smith. ]8>
I can be reached at:
Flat 5A
36 Grosvenor Place
Bath BA1 6BA
7 Legal stuff
Clipper v2.27 Copyright 1996 Brian N Smith. All rights reserved.
Clipper may be freely distributed as long as it is accompanied by its
doc files.
This software is provided as is, the author can not be held responsible
for any damage caused to hardware or software through its use.
This program is progenyware. If you use it to create a game then please
send me a copy.